Beauty by Nherie: Is Your Vision Large Enough?

Photo by Madga Ehlers

Today the question arose in me.  Is my vision large enough?

What if I am destined to have more than what I'm currently envisioning for my business, my relationships, my life? 

I believe that many of us get stuck in life because we forget (or choose not to out of fear of perceived failure) to enlarge our vision on the journey.  Some of us have strong visions and can see the results very clearly. Others of us are taking smaller more calculated steps at a time, and this is ok, but I think we should remember that as we reach a goal, make a new one and go beyond that. Continually create and recreate the vision if you need to. 

We should let our vision be steps ahead of our goals. I believe that stagnation can be a direct result of losing sight of goals and vision. Or, not creating any at all.  There are times when you will need to be still and be redirected, but isn't this also a part enlarging your vision? Redirection requires vision.

Isn't creation always creating something? There is a flow about life that doesn't end.  We were created to create so we are a part of that flow. When we are not flowing, we are not moving, and we are not living abundant happy lives.

I'm encouraging myself today to enlarge my vision and to continually do so.  Below are some encouraging words and quotes for inspiration.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is awesome! I am so in agreement with it and it is well written and expressed. I agree we must continually create. . . it's never good enough! But, let's have fun doing it and not stress, that's what I have to remember. - The Possibilities Artist

  3. Yes, have fun. When it's not fun, we have to go back and identify our motives. Sometimes we get out of alignment with the purpose for creating in the first place. Or sometimes it's time to enlarge our ideas related to a creative project or practice...our inner artist can get bored too!


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